On Tuesday, Morgan Stanley raised its recommendation on Telepeformance to 'overweight' from 'in-line weighting', with a price target nevertheless reduced from €171 to €147.

In a research note, analysts at the US investment bank tend to put the threat posed by the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) into perspective.

While they acknowledge that the acceleration of the automation of activities linked to the outsourcing of the customer experience constitutes a "risk" for the Group, MS professionals consider that the scenario in which the company would find itself totally excluded from its market has very little chance of materializing.

On the contrary, teams at the New York-based firm say they see several catalysts likely to support the share price in the short term, starting with the diminishing impact that AI-related news can have on the stock.

Morgan Stanley adds that Teleperformance's 2024 annual targets seem achievable, and that the company could soon unveil new medium-term prospects.

Finally, the analysts mention the promise of further redistributions to shareholders, while pointing out that European investors seem to be showing increasing interest in Teleperformance.

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