Teck Resources Limited and DLT Labs™ announced a pilot to use block chain technology to trace responsibly-produced germanium from the mine to the customer, the first such use of block chain to trace this critical mineral. Teck is North America's largest producer of germanium, a critical mineral and one of the integral elements required for digital devices and communications. It is an essential component in fiber optic cables and high-speed computer chips and circuitry.

Beyond its use in communications technology, germanium is also important for low-carbon technologies such as solar cells and light-emitting diodes (LEDs). Germanium is considered essential for communications technology and the transition to a low-carbon economy. This pilot is in support of Teck's Sustainability Strategy goal to develop a product passport, providing traceability into the raw materials supply chain.

Through the pilot, germanium will be traced from its origin at Teck's Red Dog mine in northwest Alaska, through transport and comingling with other sources, refining at Teck's Trail metallurgical facility and finally to a manufacturer of fiber optic cable. Blockchain technology will be used to embed data including information on responsible environmental, social and governance practices along the supply chain, such as greenhouse gas emissions, product certifications and responsible production assessments. Block chain Technology: Over the past decade businesses have identified many uses for block chain technology from the settlement of financial records to smart contracts and reliable, transparent traceability of supply chains.

In the materials space, initial applications of block chain-enabled supply chain traceability have generally focused on products with high risk of counterfeiting or abuses, such as conflict minerals. Teck believes that materials traceability and assurance of both origin and handling of the product along the supply chain can play a role in supporting responsible production more broadly for essential metals and minerals. Teck has partnered with DLT to create and pilot a block chain-enabled solution to serve as the backbone for tracing materials.

Utilization of block chain enables all key figures along the supply chain to have appropriate visibility into the material flow, and to ensure responsible production practices through each step. Teck and DLT are utilizing DL Asset Track™ to map the germanium supply chain, and to provide downstream customer visibility into the chain.