Sysco Corporation (NYSE:SYY) will look for acquisitions. Kevin Hourican, President and Chief Executive Officer said, “In regards to the second half of the question on M&A. M&A has been and will continue to be a component of our growth here at Sysco. But I would actually prioritize the U.S. first before international from an M&A perspective.

And specifically, what we're looking for there are either merchandising capabilities that are additive to our assortment as evidenced by Greco. We under-indexed in Italian, Greco was the best and largest independently owned with a PE investment, but a privately held company. And they were just a wonderful addition to Sysco.

The other opportunity there is geographic white space. In our specialty businesses, we have some geographic white space, and we would like to be able to fill out that network across the country. And so we rank those high and why is high confidence in rate of return for our shareholders and for our own internal expectations.

We do anticipate being able to profitably grow our international business. Step 1 is to straighten up our own performance internationally from that business being a tailwind -- excuse me, a headwind to Sysco to being a tailwind, which is actually showing up in our year-to-date performance. We can talk more about that in the future.

And John, we will do some international investments and acquisitions over time, but I wouldn't say that's a near-term opportunity”.