Sudatel Telecommunications Group Limited reported earnings results for the quarter ended March 31, 2018. For the period, revenues from operation were $89,826,824 compared to $122,664,053 a year ago. Net operating profit was $17,002,199 compared to $19,332,520 a year ago. Net income was $10,413,504 compared to $10,535,560 a year ago. Earnings per share were $0.0344 compared to $0.0348 a year ago. Capital expenditure was $4 million. This was largely due to currency devaluation as the company actually recorded 46% growth in operating revenue in local currency. Profit before tax was $13,332,902 compared to $14,868,069 a year ago. Net cash flows used in operating activities was $38,938,307 compared to net cash flows from operating activities of $26,653,279 a year ago. Purchase of property plant and equipment of $2,889,321 compared to $22,340,293 a year ago. Addition of intangible assets of $1,000,000 compared to $1,309,909 a year ago.