Solutions 30 shares rose sharply on Friday morning on the Paris Bourse, topping the SBF 120 index, buoyed by the annual sales figures and outlook unveiled the previous day by the technology group.

Solutions 30 announced last night that it had ended the 2022 financial year with a return to more dynamic growth, and sales up by 11.6% in the fourth quarter (+10.1% in organic terms).

For the full year 2022, consolidated sales amounted to 903.0 million euros, an increase of 3.3% (+1.2% in organic terms).

In its press release, the company points out that order intake for the year reached a "historically high" level, at almost 920 million euros.

While its financial results for this transitional year will not be published until April 20, Solutions 30 warns that these figures are likely to show an Ebitda margin "still under pressure from time to time".

However, the company believes that its current momentum reinforces the prospect of a return to double-digit growth in the current financial year, which should enable it to break through the €1 billion sales barrier this year.

In the medium term, Solutions 30 is now targeting sales of around €2.5 billion.

At 9:40 a.m., the share price was up 18.8% in volumes that were already more than three times their daily average over the past few days, compared with a gain of 0.1% at the same time for the SBF 120 and 1.2% for the STOXX Europe 600 technology sector index.

The company also announced the appointment of Wojciech Pomykala, a former executive with Nokia Siemens and Deutsche Telekom, as Managing Director in charge of transformation.

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