Skandia GreenPower AS (OB:SKAND) entered into an agreement to acquire Motkraft Gruppen As for NOK 36.5 million on July 1, 2024. Motkraft Gruppen AS, including the electricity company Motkraft AS, for NOK 36.5 million, including up to NOK 2 million in net debt. Skandia Greenpower has received acceptance from shareholders who together own 59 % of the company, which triggers a co-sale obligation for other shareholders according to shareholders' agreement.

Motkraft has 28,500 subscribers and sold electricity in the Norwegian market for approx. NOK 375 million in 2023. The company's operating profit in the same year was NOK -15.6 million.

Takeover is planned for 1 September, and the settlement will be in the form of cash.