Shenzhen INVT Electric Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002334) commences share repurchases on June 24, 2024, under the program mandated by the shareholders in the Annual General Meeting held on May 8, 2024. As per the mandate, the company is authorized to repurchase to repurchase CNY 100 million worth of its common shares. The shares will be repurchased at a price of not more than CNY 8 per share.

The purpose of the program is to improve the Company's long-term incentive mechanism, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the Company's core backbones and outstanding employees, effectively combine the interests of shareholders, the Company and the personal interests of the core team, and jointly promote the long-term development of the Company. The repurchased shares will be used for employee stock ownership plans or equity incentive plans, otherwise will be cancelled if the company fails to transfer them within the time limit stipulated by relevant laws and regulations. The program will be funded out of the company's own funds.

The program will be valid till 12 months from the date of approval by shareholders.