The board of directors of Beijing Enterprises Clean Energy Group Limited announced that: Mr. Zhang Tiefu ("Mr. Zhang") has been appointed as an executive Director with effect from 21 May 2021; and) Mr. Yang Guang ("Mr. Yang") has been appointed as an executive Director with effect from 21 May 2021. Mr. Zhang Tiefu was appointed as an executive director and a vice president of Beijing Enterprises Water Group Limited in April 2009. Mr. Yang Guang, joined BEWG in February 2012. He had been a development director and a vice president of BEWG and is currently served as a senior vice president of BEWG. The Board has passed a resolution to appoint Mr. Zhang as a Joint Chairman of the Board. The appointment of Mr. Zhang as the Joint Chairman of the Board shall take effect from the date of passing of the Resolution (as hereinafter defined) at the extraordinary general meeting of the Company. Following Mr. Zhang's appointment as the Joint Chairman of the Board becoming effective, he will act together with Mr. Hu Xiaoyong ("Mr. Hu"), the existing Chairman of the Board, to be Joint Chairman of the Board. The roles of the Joint Chairman are clearly defined and segregated. Mr. Zhang will primarily focus on the daily operations and management of the Group; while Mr. Hu will primarily focus on the strategic planning and the development of corporate culture of the Group. The Board believes that the establishment of joint chairmanship structure of the Board can enhance the Company's corporate governance level, which is in the interests of the Company and its shareholders as a whole. The Board further announced that Mr. Shi Xiaobei has resigned as the Chief Executive Officer of the Company with effect from 21 May 2021 as he would like to devote more time to his other commitments. He will remain as an executive Director. The Board further announces that Ms. So Hiu Wa ("Ms. So") has resigned from the following positions of the Company with effect from 21 May 2021 due to other personal career development. Following the resignation of Ms. So, the Board announced that Mr. Cheung Chin Wa has been appointed as the Company Secretary, the Authorised Representative and the Process Agent with effect from 21 May 2021.