The board of directors of SEM Holdings Limited announced that (i) Dr. Sham Chung Ping Alain, BBS (Dr. Sham) has tendered his resignation as the independent non-executive director, the chairman of the remuneration committee of the company (the Remuneration Committee) and the member of the audit committee of the company (the Audit Committee) with effect from 5 May 2023 due to other official commitments; and (ii) Mr. May Tai Keung Nicholas (Mr. May) has tendered his resignation as the independent non-executive director, the chairman of the Audit Committee and the member of the nomination committee of the company (the nomination committee) with effect from 5 May 2023 due to his personal business arrangement. The board announced that Ms. Chen Tak Yee Dickdy (Ms. Chen) has been appointed as the independent non-executive director, the chairlady of the audit committee and the member of the nomination committee with effect from 5 May 2023. Ms. Chen, aged 45, graduated from The University of Hong Kong with a degree of bachelor of Accounting in 2006.

Ms. Chen has over twenty years of experience in accounting and corporate management. She is a member of The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants since January 2011. She is currently the Chief Operating Officer of a private company engaged in manufacturing of electronic products.

The board announced that Ir Dr. Wong Wai Man Raymond (Ir Dr. Wong) has been appointed as the independent non-executive director, the chairman of the remuneration committee and the member of the audit committee with effect from 5 May 2023. Ir Dr. Wong, aged 72, is a fellow member of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, The Chartered Institute of Marketing and the Hong Kong Computer Society and a member of The British Computer Society and The Australian Computer Society. Ir Dr. Wong has obtained a supervisory management certificate from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 1979, a diploma in Business Administration from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 1982, a Master of Business Administration from The University of Hull, UK in 1992, a Master of Science in Information Systems from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 1995, a Master of Science in Management from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, a LLB degree with honours from The University of Wolverhampton, UK and a Bachelor in Laws from The Peking University, PRC in 1996, a Master in Laws from The City University of Hong Kong in 1999, a Master in Laws from The Renmin University in Beijing, PRC in 2000, a Doctor of Business Administration from The University of Newcastle, Australia in 2007 and an Australian Graduate Certificate in Immigration Law from The Australian National University in 2009.

Ir Dr. Wong has extensive experience in information system development and corporate management. He has worked for the Immigration Department of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region since 1972 and has been acting as an Assistant Director in charge of development and management of information system since 2002 and retired in 2007. After retirement from the Immigration Department, Ir Dr. Wong has become a world-known independent expert consultant and is an internationally renowed expert in identification documents, identity authentication, biometric identification system and border port management system.

Ir Dr. Wong has been a consultant in the Hong Kong Professional Services Diploma Courses of The Chinese University of Hong Kong since 1999, a honorary professor of the Department of Computer Science of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and a part-time professor of the Biometrics Technology Center of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University since 2010, a member of The Hong Kong Chief Information Officer Election Appraisal Committee since 2011 and a special expert consultant of Aisino Corporation since 2013.