Seer announced that it has signed a non-exclusive commercial agreement with Thermo Fisher Scientific, a world leader in serving science, for Seer to offer Thermo Fisher’s Orbitrap Eclipse Tribid™ and Orbitrap Exploris 480™ mass spectrometry systems. The agreement will enable Seer to offer the Orbitrap platform in combination with its Proteograph Product Suite to provide its customers with a complete workflow, which aims to expand the proteomics market and accelerate adoption of unbiased, deep, large-scale proteome analysis, particularly among those who are adding proteomics capabilities, such as genomics and multi-omics researchers and companies. The Proteograph Product Suite comprises Seer’s proprietary engineered nanoparticles, consumables, an automation instrument, and software that enables proteomics studies with an unprecedented combination of speed, scale, and depth and breadth of data. Coupled with the Orbitrap Eclipse Tribid and the Orbitrap Exploris 480 systems, which offer high resolution mass spectrometry at scale, this solution has the potential to enable customers across a range of applications to arrive at novel proteomics insights using optimized protocols designed for unbiased and deep proteome analysis with high reproducibility and ease of use. In addition, Thermo Fisher and Seer will also collaborate to deliver unique solutions that further enable customers to scale their proteomics studies to optimize existing workflows, develop new workflows, and coordinate development programs.