Schroder Asian Total Return Investment Company plc announced the appointment of Andrew Cainey as a non-executive director of the company, with effect from March 7, 2019. Mr. Cainey is an experienced business consultant, public policy advisor, speaker and writer. He is currently a Senior Partner of Asiability, an Associate Fellow of Chatham House, a Senior Fellow of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, and a Senior Adviser of Lumen Capital Investors. He previously held roles with the Boston Consulting Group, Booz & Company and Tony Blair Associates. During the course of his career he spent over 15 year in Asia, including China, Korea and Singapore. It is confirmed that there are no other details to be disclosed concerning Mr. Cainey under Listing Rule 9.6.13 R. At the date of this announcement, Mr. Cainey had no interests in the Company's issued share capital. Mr. Cainey's election as a director will be proposed at the company's forthcoming Annual General Meeting.