Verimatrix, and Samsung Electronics announced an expanded partnership to ensure the 2017 line of Samsung Smart TVs comply with the Ultra HD (UHD) and 4K content guidelines set by MovieLabs’ Specifications for Next Generation Video and Enhanced Content Protection. The Verimatrix Video Content Authority System (VCAS) Ultra™ architecture, which includes hardware-based VideoMark® forensic watermarking, is integrated with Samsung’s next-generation Smart TV platform to establish a secure chain-of-custody across the UHD ecosystem. The proliferation of UHD and 4K content has amplified threats of IP-sourced piracy, putting a direct target on Smart TVs. Through an infrastructure of integrated VideoMark watermarking technology and Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) support, VCAS Ultra presents a formidable barrier to piracy underpinned by three pillars of MovieLabs security requirements—hardware credentials and anchors, a trusted software security environment and forensic watermarking. This multi-pronged approach ensures that UHD and 4K content delivered by Samsung Smart TVs are in full compliance with the mandate through encryption, authentication and device revocation.