Muscle Maker, Inc. announced the launch of Starting January 21, 2021, customers can order ready-made “healthier for you” prepared meals shipped directly to their doorstep. The first location to launch this program is located in the Chelsea neighborhood of NYC allowing customers within 250 miles to order their ready-made meals. Additional sites are planned to come on-line throughout First Quarter and Second Quarter increasing the company’s reach to consumers. Muscle Maker’s strategy continues to focus on non-traditional locations and ways to reach consumers. The company believes the restaurant industry has changed. Being able to reach consumers through multiple touch points is critical to its strategy. Expanding in ready-made, prepared meal plans shipped directly to consumers doorsteps is a new way to get the company’s healthier products into the hands of consumers through contactless delivery and convenience. This new business line expands the company’s reach to consumers and includes brick-and-mortar locations, non-traditional locations such as military bases and universities, home delivery through ghost kitchens and now meal plans shipped via UPS direct to consumers. This model can work out of all existing locations, including ghost kitchens and will be offered to sell through franchise locations.