BERLIN (dpa-AFX) - The German government is investing billions in pioneering hydrogen projects. Projects for the production of green, i.e. climate-friendly hydrogen as well as for storage and transportation are being called for, as the Ministry of Economics announced in Berlin. The federal and state governments are therefore awarding a total of 4.6 billion euros to 23 projects.

"By calling for hydrogen projects, we are taking an important step towards a climate-neutral and sustainable economy in Europe and beyond," explained Economics Minister Robert Habeck. An efficient hydrogen infrastructure plays a key role in the decarbonization of industry and the energy sector. "Hydrogen pipelines will be the lifelines of industrial centers. This will create the conditions for climate-neutral growth," emphasized Habeck.

The requested projects are not only about the production of green hydrogen on a large scale, but also about innovative storage solutions, efficient and safe storage and transport infrastructure of up to 2,000 kilometers in length. Part of the funding comes from an EU fund. The companies themselves are investing an additional 3.3 billion euros. According to the ministry, this will result in a total investment volume of around 7.9 billion euros by 2030./tam/DP/mis