Redfin Corporation plans to launch a national Canadian real estate search site and brokerage service in Toronto and Vancouver by March, with plans to expand to other provinces. For home sellers, Redfin will charge a 1% listing fee. Redfin agents provide a complete home-selling service, including pricing and staging advice, free professional photography, a 3D walkthrough of the home, open houses, yard signs and beautifully designed marketing materials. Redfin listings will receive premier placement on and will be displayed on and other Canadian real estate websites via the Multiple Listing Services. working with a local Redfin agent, seller in Toronto will save $11,250 on a $750,000 home sale when compared to paying a listing commission of 2.5 %. The 1% listing fee does not include a buyer's agent commission, which is typically paid by the seller. With Redfin's Book It Now feature, homebuyers can set up property showings with a few taps on a smartphone.