Red Light Holland Corp. announced its collaboration with Psychedelic Medicine Alliance Washington to promote a psilocybin legalization bill in Washington State. Proposed Senate Bill 5660 would legalize the supported adult use of psilocybin by people 21 years of age and older.

Originally sponsored by Senators Jesse Salomon and Liz Lovelett, the bill, known as the Washington Psilocybin Wellness and Opportunity Act, is based on the Oregon model and includes many innovative features including a Social Opportunity Program to help address harms caused by the war on drugs, a provision to support small businesses, and accommodations for people with certain medical conditions to receive psilocybin sessions at home. To advance the bill, the Health and Long-Term Care Committee must place it on the agenda by Feb. 10th, 2022.

To support the bill, Red Light Holland has hired a lobbyist recommended by PMAW, James Paribello. Owner of Paribello Public Affairs, James has worked in and around Olympia for two decades providing government affairs services and lobbying for diverse interests ranging from cannabis regulation to economic development, election reform, health care, tribal sovereignty, and clean energy, while also providing strategic communications and consulting work on the local, state, and federal level. Red Light Holland will also be starting a social media campaign to encourage Washington State residents to share how psilocybin has helped them or their loved ones and reach out to the heads of the Health and Long-Term Care Committee and their local government representatives.

In addition, Red Light Holland will promote online educational events led by PMAW to help educate Washington residents about the potential benefits of the bill. Red Light Holland hopes to support the government of Washington with polling and market research focused on equity similar to the research and report it has jprovided to members of the Oregon Advisory Board and Oregon Health Authority.