Ratos company SSEA Group has secured four new contracts in its important geographic regions of Stockholm and Gothenburg in Sweden, of which the largest is worth SEK 800 million and was signed with the municipality of Kungalv in the Gothenburg area. The contract pertains to the development and construction of a new arena area with a swimming facility, two indoor ice rinks, two sports halls and an ice stadium. The total value of all four new contracts is approximately SEK 1.1 billion.

All four projects will be carried out as partnering projects, with SSEA Group involved in the early stages and thus in the development phase. In Kungälv, just north of Gothenburg, SSEA Group has a signed an agreement with the municipality of Kungälv to develop and construct a new arena area with a swimming facility, two indoor ice rinks, two sports halls and an ice stadium. In Lerum, just east of Gothenburg, SSEA Group was awarded the contract for the renovation of Vattenpalatset.

The project will involve a major renovation and refurbishment of the existing swimming facility from 1988. SSEA Group has an ongoing school project in the new development area around Väsjön together with the municipality of Sollentuna. The municipality has now chosen to exercise an option in the agreement and task SSEA Group with constructing the new mobility hub for the area.

In the municipality of Ekerö, SSEA Group has signed an agreement with the municipality to renovate two existing preschools. One of these was included as an option in the agreement. In all cases, the transactions include a fixed fee for SSEA Group, and the customer?s evaluation of potential partners emphasised the organisation?s experience, earlier reference projects and a description of the proposed execution of each project.