FOSTER CITY, CA, CALIF., Jan. 11, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- QuinStreet's Education team is kicking off 2016 by launching, the top online destination for prospective master's and doctoral students. The mission: to end graduate school search woes by offering a unique blend of school rankings, career data and FAQs—all in a fully responsive design optimized for desktop, mobile and tablet.

Graduate-level education has never been more important in the job market, with the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicting 13.8 percent growth for occupations requiring a master's degree and 12.2 percent for those requiring a doctorate in the coming years. However, determining which program will best serve a student's needs is difficult. The comprehensive academic and career information on addresses this by helping prospective students make informed decisions about their future. For example, the site makes it easy to compare the benefits of earning a master's degree in counseling psychology versus one in social work. Exhaustive insight is available on the site for each subject with program overviews, school rankings and job outlooks.'s research-based School Rankings are the result of a careful weighing of crucial factors that can influence a student's choice of institution. These factors are analyzed and scored, enabling users to immediately assess and compare potential graduate schools.

QuinStreet is an expert in the field of higher education and college choice with resources such as and Now lends confidence to research and decision making for online master's and Ph.D.-level education.

CONTACT: Michael Kushman
         Outreach Manager