Photocat A/S announced that the Departament de Territori i Sostenibilitat de la Generalitat, has awarded a contract for a total amount of 4.5 million euros to extend a new asphalt pavement on the motorway C-31. 70,000 vehicles use this motorway daily. The photocatalytic application will cover an extension of seven kilometers in the municipality of Badalona, between Barcelona and the limit of the C-32 in Montgat of which Photocat in partnership with its Spanish partner Laborat, will make the application of 105.000 m2.

The new asphalt will have photocatalytic properties, and hence clean the air from toxic NOx gasses. Vehicles circulation on the road network in the urban areas is one of the main sources of environmental pollution. Photocat has the most effective and sustainable catalysis for NOxOFF removal activated by natural UV light from the sun.

The company's technology has been chosen among others to be applied in this project. This means that technology serves excellently as the base solution for removal of a significant part of the toxic NOx gases. Exposure to nitrogen dioxide (NO2) causes harmful health effects associated with respiratory diseases and increased mortality even at low concentrations.