Oakajee Corporation Limited announced that Aircore (AC) drilling has commenced at the Paynes Find Gold Project in Western Australia. The current program will see up to 1,200 metres of drilling to follow up on Oakajee's successful maiden drilling campaign that was undertaken in February 2020. The new program will test possible strike extensions and infill drilling will more accurately test specific structural trends. The AC drilling program is expected to take approximately one week to complete. The maiden campaign completed earlier this year saw a total of 54 AC holes drilled on 5 variably spaced lines for 2,064 metres, within and around the Matriarch gold prospect. Strongly anomalous gold was intersected in 11 of the holes associated with a north-north-east striking, 1,600m long aeromagnetic low, under shallow laterite cover immediately south of the historical Paynes Find Gold Camp. Refer to the ASX announcement dated 30 March 2020 for further details. A 25 hole, 1,200m AC drilling program is planned to both infill the current drilling pattern and to test along strike. The aim is to test for steeply west dipping high grade quartz vein hosted gold mineralisation similar to the Paynes Find Gold Camp located immediately north of the planned drilling. The previous wide spaced drilling intersected anomalous gold and associated pathfinder elements in weathered (saprolite) bedrock that is interpreted as a halo to potential high- grade gold zones.