Nuchev Limited announced the appointment of Craig Silbery to the Board of Nuchev as Non-Executive Director, commencing 16 October 2023. Craig is a respected entrepreneur who established and led Life-Space Group from start-up to a successful exit with the sale to Guangzhou based By-Health in 2018. He built Life-Space around a core foundation of innovative probiotic formulas for infants and pregnant women developed based on Human Microbiome science.

He is also currently the founder and CEO of ilume, a wearable pet health venture. The company also announced that Chair, Justin Breheny has advised the Board that he is stepping down from his role following eight years of commitment. He also advised that Non-Executive Director Selina Lightfoot is stepping down from the Board, after dedicating nine years to the company.

Ben Dingle will assume the role of Chair effective 16 October 2023. Craig studied at the of University of Otago and the Macquarie Graduate School of Business Management.