Nokia's headquarters is now a certified Green Office

Nokia's headquarters is now part of WWF's Green Office program. The Green Office is an environmental management system and certification for offices that are committed to reduce their burden on the environment, achieve savings and contribute to slowing down climate change. The Green Office program also concentrates on motivating office staff to act in an environmentally friendly way with regard to everyday tasks and improving environmental awareness. Staff at the Nokia headquarters is, for example, using mugs instead of paper cups, sorting and recycling as many as 12 different waste fractions, printing less and double-sided on eco-labeled office paper, and mostly using video conferencing facilities instead of travelling to internal business meetings. Nokia's collaborators who provide the facility maintenance and canteen services are also committed to the program.

Nokia is determined to integrate sustainability into everything we do. We improve our offices, factories, logistical operations and use of technologies in ways that save energy and reduce emissions. And we aim to ensure that sound environmental, health and safety, labour and ethical practices are embedded within all our operations.Green and Ethical Operations section on this website.

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