ASX ANNOUNCEMENT Friday 18th January, 2013


• Binding MOU signed for acquisition of tenements prospective for Gold, Copper and Nickel in Western
• Strong portfolio of scalable gold and base metal exploration projects developing in Tanzania, consistent with Company strategy.
• Highly capable Tanzanian team evolving with Managing Director now residing in Tanzania.
Nexus Minerals Limited (ASX:NXM) ("the Company"), is pleased to update shareholders on the execution of a binding Memorandum of Understanding ('MOU') to purchase two new tenement areas in Tanzania (Figure 1). This follows the MOU executed in October 2012 to acquire prospective tenements in the Handeni region of Tanzania.
Managing Director, Jason Greive, said the signing of the MOU's was a progression of the Company's strategy to compose a highly prospective land holding of scalable gold and base metal greenfield exploration targets in under-explored regions in Tanzania and greater eastern Africa.
Biharamulo - HQ-P25831
This tenement application (HQ-P25831) is located in north-western Tanzanian, near the town of Biharamulo. It hosts a gold occurrence in Proterozoic aged sedimentary rocks within a relatively poorly tested province. The tenement has an area of 23.7km2. The Proterozoic rocks form part of a mobile belt with potential to host gold in rafts of reworked Archaean greenstones, or as epithermal veins related to regional intrusives. The style of gold mineralisation will be investigated on a regional field trip in February 2013 which will also assess geophysical and mineralogical targets identified at the Katamatoma project area 120km to the north.
Kigoma - PL7962/2012
This granted tenement (PL7962/2012) is located in central western Tanzania, covering an area of 29.7km2. The Kigoma region is considered prospective for base metals. Geologically the tenement overlies an ultramafic intrusive (5km x 2km) with potential to host disseminated metal sulphides (usually iron, but sometimes also copper and nickel). Two base metal occurrences (for copper and nickel) have been recorded on the margin of the intrusive, and may be related to bedrock mineralisation or to lateritic cover material, enriched by fluids derived from the gabbro.
The tenement fits a valid mineralisation model for copper and nickel, and the recorded base metal occurrences may indicate the presence of further mineralisation. The occurrences warrant further follow-up, and on completion of acquisition the Company will commence a desk-top study with follow-up fieldwork to assess the potential of the tenement.

Nexus Minerals Limited (ASX:NXM) ABN: 96 122 074 006

41-47 Colin Street, West Perth, Western Australia 6005

PO Box 2803, West Perth WA 6872

T:+61 8 9481 1749 F:+61 8 9481 1756 W:


Figure 1: Location of tenements HQ-P25831 and PL7962/2012

Company Update
Nexus Minerals is a well-funded, diversified exploration company with a portfolio of prospective exploration projects in Western Australia and Eastern Africa.
The recent binding MOU's to acquire tenements in the Handeni, Biharamulo and Kigoma regions of Tanzania are complementary to the Katamatoma tenements acquired earlier in 2012, and are consistent with the Company's strategy to acquire highly prospective gold and base metal greenfield exploration targets in under explored regions of Eastern Africa through new applications and low-risk acquisition deal structuring.
Several subsidiary companies have now been incorporated in Tanzania and other East African countries to facilitate acquisition of exploration targets. Additionally, the Company is also actively pursuing business development opportunities in other East African Countries including Uganda, Kenya and Ethiopia.
The Company is making pleasing progress in assembling a highly capable Tanzanian team to give effect to its growth strategy in the region. To add further efficiency and effectiveness to the business, the Company's Managing Director, Mr Jason Greive, has now relocated to Tanzania with his family to drive the Company's strategy forward. Greive, whose wife and children are also Tanzanian nationals, has spent a number of years working in Africa with Rio Tinto and Barrick Gold, which has included several years in Tanzania.

Nexus Minerals Limited (ASX:NXM) ABN: 96 122 074 006

41-47 Colin Street, West Perth, Western Australia 6005

PO Box 2803, West Perth WA 6872

T:+61 8 9481 1749 F:+61 8 9481 1756 W:

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In December 2012 the Company received a significant non-dilutionary cash injection of over $1.5 million through the sale of a substantial shareholding in Aruma Resources Limited (ASX:AAJ). Nexus Minerals still retains a significant shareholding of 5 million shares (6.3%) in Aruma Resources.
The Company will keep shareholders informed as the conditions precedents in the various MOU's are met and the acquisitions of the tenements in Tanzania are finalised.
Enquiries Mr Jason Greive, Managing Director



08 9481 1749


08 9481 1756


The information in this report that relates to Exploration Results and Mineral Resources is based on information compiled by Mr Ian Hassall, who is a Member of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Mr Hassall is a full-time employee of Nexus Minerals Limited. Mr Hassall has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity for which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the

2004 Edition of the "Australian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves". Mr Hassall

consents to the inclusion in the reports of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.

Nexus Minerals Limited (ASX:NXM) ABN: 96 122 074 006

41-47 Colin Street, West Perth, Western Australia 6005

PO Box 2803, West Perth WA 6872

T:+61 8 9481 1749 F:+61 8 9481 1756 W:

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