The board of directors of New Century Healthcare Holding Co. Limited announced that Ms. Wong Sau Ping has resigned as a joint company secretary of the Company with effect from August 28, 2018. The Board announced that Ms. So Lai Shan has been appointed as a joint company secretary of the Company in place of Ms. Wong with effect from August 28, 2018. Mr. Jia Xiaofeng will remain as the other joint company secretary of the Company. The Stock Exchange has granted a waiver (the "Waiver") to the Company from strict compliance with the requirements under Rule 3.28 and Rule 8.17 of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange (the "Listing Rules") for a period from the date of appointment of Ms. So as the joint company secretary to January 17, 2020 (the "New Waiver Period") in relation to the eligibility of Mr. Jia to act as a joint company secretary of the Company on the conditions that: Mr. Jia will be assisted by Ms. So during the New Waiver Period; the Company should notify the Stock Exchange at the end of the New Waiver Period for the Stock Exchange to re-visit the situation, with the expectation that, after the end of the New Waiver Period, the Company will be able to demonstrate that Mr. Jia can satisfy Rule 3.28 of the Listing Rules after having the benefit of Ms. So's assistance such that a further waiver will not be necessary; and the Company will announce details of the Waiver, including its reasons and conditions. The Waiver will be revoked immediately if and when Ms. So ceases to provide assistance to Mr. Jia.