Monash IVF are world leaders in reproductive medicine with our success dating back to the first IVF pregnancy in the world in 1973. Throughout the following 40 years' our commitment to research and science in the field has continued to strengthen resulting in us achieving among the highest pregnancy rates in Australia. At Monash IVF you have a 26 percent greater chance of pregnancy with a blastocyst transfer when compared to ANZARD (The Australia and New Zealand Assisted Reproduction Database). ANZARD is a national database recording the pregnancy rates for every clinic in Australia and New Zealand. To learn more about our success rates please click here.

Why are our success rates so high? Two key reasons for this is our preference and expertise in transferring embryos at the blastocyst stage and our embryo freezing technology known as vitrification.

Blastocyst Transfer
At Monash IVF we transfer embryos five days after egg retrieval and fertilisation, when the embryo is at the blastocyst stage. Research has shown that embryos that reach blastocyst stage of development are more likely to be chromosomally balanced compared to 2 / 3 day embryos at the (cleavage stage), this means the embryos are developmentally competent and will have a higher chance of resulting in a pregnancy. In a natural pregnancy 2 / 3 day embryos are still making their way down the fallopian tubes. The fallopian tubes and uterus offer different environments to the embryo, with significantly different levels of nutrients. The uterus is designed to provide the optimum conditions for a 4 / 5 day blastocyst embryo to encourage it to implant into the endometrium and continue to pregnancy. To learn more about blastocysts and view a video of an embryo growing please click here.

Surplus eggs or embryos that are considered viable are frozen and stored for use in a later treatment cycle. The freeze method we use is called vitrification.

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