Compass Group has selected FreedomPay and Microsoft hospitality commerce solutions to provide EMV and NFC, coupled with PCI-validated point-to-point encryption (P2PE). With EMV-ready payment terminals and card data tokenization, Compass Group sets the standard for the foodservice industry by offering its customers the most advanced credit card security protection. The FreedomPay Commerce Platform is enabling Compass Group to transform the customer experience at the point of sale.

FreedomPay's validated P2PE solution enables Compass Group to accept payments securely in mobile environments. With the adoption of EMV chip cards in the United States, customers will need to be provided with the option to pay via an EMV-ready payment device. FreedomPay offers Compass Group an integrated solution that captures the transaction through a mobile device connected to a café's point-of-sale system, operating on the Windows platform and secured by Microsoft Azure.