Lippo Fund Series - Lippo Select HK & Mainland Property ETF announced earnings results for year ended March 31, 2016. For the period, the company reported total net loss of HKD 5,738,094, loss before tax of HKD 6,349,914, total comprehensive loss was HKD 6,349,914 and net cash used in operating activities of HKD 136,945 compared to the total net income of HKD 12,225,549, profit before tax of HKD 11,640,380, total comprehensive income of HKD 11,631,062 and net cash used in operating activities of HKD 848,606 for the same period a year ago. Net assets attributable to unitholders (Accounting NAV) per unit were HKD 38.0671 against HKD 41.1650 a year ago. Net assets attributable to unitholders (Dealing NAV) per unit were HKD 38.4121 against HKD 41.6753 a year ago.