Lepidico Limited announced that it is now in confidential discussions with up to 6 lithium hydroxide consumers and 3 caesium/rubidium consumers. Lepidico has been advised by one prospective customer that its analysis of a lithium hydroxide monohydrate sample provided in 2020 should be completed in early 2021, allowing offtake discussions to advance. It is understood that the analysis process has been disrupted by the ongoing pandemic. Further lithium hydroxide samples are being prepared for dispatch over the coming weeks from the Company's existing inventory in Perth for analysis by other consumers. Lepidico continues to closely monitor the caesium and rubidium markets globally, with significant supply constraints envisaged to occur in 2021, as pollucite stockpiles sourced from now depleted mines are consumed. Lithium mica ores now represent the only material near term source of the strategic metals caesium and rubidium, both of which are designated as Critical Minerals by the U.S. State Department and for which the United States is entirely reliant of imports.