Kronos Advanced Technologies Inc. announced test results from Nelson Labs demonstrating significantly enhanced bacterial filtration efficiency (BFE) and viral filtration efficiency (VFE). As the COVID-19 pandemic wanes, the use of facemasks has become commonplace, if not endemic. The performance of medical facemasks is assessed using Bacterial Filtration Efficiency (BFE) tests and Viral Filtration Efficiency (VFE) tests. Kronos' designed and the U.S. manufactured 5-ply graphene face masks remove 99.9% of bacteria and virus particles compared to the common and far less efficacious ASTM level 3 mask. (ASTM Level 3 is the FDA's highest rating for medical and surgical face masks). The Kronos face mask is the only 5-ply graphene mask known to be manufactured in the USA. With BFE and VFE levels over 99.9%, the Company believes that these are the highest filtration efficiency numbers for any face masks in the market. All test method acceptance criteria were met. Testing was performed in compliance with US FDA good manufacturing practice (GMP) regulations 21 CFR Parts 210, 211, and 820. While the 2019 pandemic appears to be degrading into endemic status, mask-wearing has likely become a permanent way of life for many and will likely continue into common, if not mandatory, use by the food industry, adding to the common use pre-pandemic of doctors, nurses, and hospital workers. Furthermore, the world will likely stock up on the best masks in order to be ready for a new covid-19 strain or unrelated pandemic feared to emerge in the near future.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends masks for the general public. If you're fully vaccinated and are in an area with a high number of new COVID-19 cases, the CDC recommends wearing a mask indoors in public and outdoors in crowded areas or when one is in close contact with unvaccinated people. People who haven't been fully vaccinated should wear face masks indoors and outdoors where there is a high risk of COVID-19 transmissions, such as crowded events or large gatherings.