Jutal Offshore Oil Services Limited announced the resignation of Mr. Liu Yunian as executive director of the company. Mr. Han Guimao has resigned as non-executive director of the Company, member of the audit committee of the Company. Mr. Zhao Wuhui has been appointed as executive director of the Company.

Mr. Zhang Hua has been appointed as independent non-executive director of the Company, member of the audit committee of the Company. Effective from 12 January 2024. Mr. Zhao, aged 49, is a vice president of the Company.

Mr. Zhao graduated from Northeast Forestry University with a bachelor's degree in accounting in 1998, and obtained a MBA degree from the University of Wales in 2009. He joined the Group in March 2002, had served as finance manager and vice president of the Group, and had been an executive director of the Company from 25 May 2012 to 1 March 2016. Mr. Zhao currently also serves as director or supervisor of several subsidiaries of the Group.

Prior to joining the Group, he had worked with Kerry Oils & Grains (China) Co. Ltd. and Everbright Timber Industry (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd. as accountant and auditor.

Mr. Zhang, aged 61, is a professor in the Department of Finance and the Director of M.Sc. Program in Finance (Part-time) in The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Mr. Zhang has extensive experience in executive training.

His main research interests are in investments, capital markets, corporate finance and fixed income and derivative securities. Mr. Zhang obtained a bachelor degree in engineering from Tianjin University, and a master degree in business administration and a Ph.D. degree in Finance from McGill University. He had served as an independent non-executive director of Momentum Financial Holdings Limited from September 2017 to June 2020, and serves as an independent non-executive director and a member of audit committee of Sinomedia Holding Limited.