January 21, 2013

(Houston) Intertek, a leading provider of quality testing, inspection and safety services to a wide range of industries around the world, will address the important industry topic of crude oil quality in a presentation entitled "Crude oil characterization for the Non-technical Person" at the Argus Americas Crude Summit in Houston, Texas, January 25, 2013.

The Argus Crude Summit theme, "Boom, Base Load, or Bottleneck?" will focus on issues of importance to the crude oil industry.

Intertek crude oil expert and business manager Bruce Carlile will address key trends and topics impacting the petroleum market for both conventional and unconventional (shale) crude oils. Bruce's expertise includes crude oil quality and crude oil assay knowledge gained over 25 years with Intertek and over 30 years of total experience in the petroleum industry.

The Intertek presentation is part of a dedicated session focusing on the current state of North American crude oil quality and the impact upon petroleum producers, refiners and traders.

The world's crude oils exhibit wide differences in chemical composition and physical properties. Crude oil quality is determined by many measurable factors, affecting market prices and refinery processing economics. Analyzing and monitoring crude oil quality supports the viability of the world's petroleum refining industry.

New analytical techniques (such as rapid yield) have been developed to keep pace with "Opportunity Crudes" evaluation. Several such techniques apply to the entire supply chain. An overview illustrating crude oil feedstocks, and their relative value to petroleum product make and product quality will be discussed.

Intertek services help the global petroleum industry operate more efficiently and effectively. Expertise includes testing, inspection, consulting, certification, auditing, training, and more.

Learn more about Intertek's crude oil quality services:

  • www.intertek.com/petroleum/crude-oil-assay/
  • www.intertek.com/petroleum/testing/crude-oil-quality/

Learn more about the Argus Americas Crude Summit:

  • www.argusmedia.com/Events/Argus-Events/America/Americas-Crude-Summit/Home
About Intertek

Intertek is a leading provider of quality and safety solutions serving a wide range of industries around the world. Intertek people add value to customers' products and processes, supporting their success in the marketplace. With a network of more than 1,000 laboratories and offices and 33,000 people in over 100 countries, Intertek helps clients meet requirements for quality, health, environmental, sustainability, safety and social accountability. www.intertek.com


Erik Holladay
Global Marketing Director, Commodities
Tel: +1 713 407 3500
Email: erik.holladay@intertek.com

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