Illumina, Inc. announced the launch of the iSeq™ 100 Sequencing System. The new, next-generation sequencing (NGS) system delivers exceptional data accuracy, at a low capital cost, making Illumina technology available to virtually any lab. The combination of the company’s proven sequencing by synthesis (SBS) chemistry, along with the complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) detection technology, represents an entirely different configuration that delivers highly accurate data at substantially lower capital costs. The iSeq 100 is the first system with this architecture and has a U.S. list price of $19,900. Measuring one cubic foot in size, the iSeq 100 delivers NGS discovery power in the most compact format of any Illumina sequencer to date. The iSeq 100 represents another step toward establishing NGS as a standard for discovery research and routine genomic testing for a wide range of customers, markets and applications.