Oslo, 26 January 2023

The board of directors of Hunter Group ASA hereby calls for an extraordinary
general meeting to be held on 16 February 2023 at 10:00 CET in the offices of Ro
Sommernes advokatfirma DA at Fridtjof Nansens plass 7, 0125 Oslo. The notice of
the general meeting, the notice of attendance and the proxy form is attached to
this notice. Shareholders are recommended to avail themselves of the
possibilities of casting advance votes or voting by proxy as further described
in the attached notice. The general meeting will be conducted as briefly as
possible, and representation of board and administration will be kept to a


Erik A.S. Frydendal, CEO, ef@huntergroup.no, Ph.: +47 957 72 947

Lars M. Brynildsrud, CFO, lb@huntergroup.no, Ph.: +47 932 60 882

This stock exchange announcement is made pursuant to section 5-9 of the
Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

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© Oslo Bors ASA, source Oslo Stock Exchange