The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced a settlement with Gulfport Energy Corp. for alleged violations of the Clean Air Act at oil and natural gas production wells in Ohio. Under the terms of the settlement, which addresses Gulfport's failure to capture and control air emissions from storage vessels and to comply with associated inspection, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements, Gulfport will pay a $1.7 million penalty and invest approximately $2 million in improvements at 17 well pads in eastern Ohio to help reduce volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions by approximately 313 tons per year. VOCs include a variety of chemicals that may cause adverse health effects. Gulfport operates oil and natural gas production wells in eastern Ohio. The wells produce a mixture of natural gas, light crude oil known as condensate, and a naturally occurring wastewater known as "produced water." Multiple wells are typically co-located on a single well pad along with production equipment, including condensate and produced water storage vessels.