Green PolkaDot Box Incorporated announced that it secured another contract for the sale of its Living Produce(TM) with J&J Distributing. The 20-year contract, valued at over $70,000,000, will be executed in several stages over the term of the Agreement. Beginning in January 2014, the first phase includes mandates for the development of organically grown bell peppers in all color varieties, red and green leaf lettuce, romaine lettuce, cucumbers and assorted tomato varieties, including organic heirlooms. While the initial contract phase is limited to the mentioned varieties, future phases will include a larger selection of the Living Produce(TM) as growing and processing capacities increase.

The partnership with J&J Distributing enables GPDB to develop and grow an immense variety of organic produce for its genius delivery platform; but it also opens up a sustainable program for distribution of a steady, year-round supply of Living Produce(TM) and other organic varieties to the wholesale buyers--in the U.S. at affordable prices. As announced earlier this month GPDB has purchased its first 40 acre site and broken ground on development in Spring City, Utah for fulfillment of this contract which will commence upon completion of the first phases of development for Living Produce Growing Center in Utah.