Greatech Technology Berhad updated the stakeholders on the order book status. Since the announcement of the Report, the Group is delighted to report that new orders for production line systems worth MYR 160 million have been secured, and these new orders are expected to last until the 2nd quarter of 2023. The new orders secured are mainly contributed by customer from the solar industry.

Based on the orders secured by the Group for year to date and progress of the Subsidiaries, the Group expects positive development in the solar sector in year 2022 and 2023 with the opportunities presented by worldwide green initiatives and increased usage of renewable energy. The Group expects this to contribute positively to the Group's revenue for the year ending 31 December 2022 and 2023. With the Group's latest investment in capacity expansion, the Group is now able to supply customers with a more sustainable solution that supports customers to reduce operating costs and improve environmental performances.