Grand Talents Group Holdings Limited provided Group earnings guidance for the year ended March 31, 2021. For the period, the Group expected to record a decrease in revenue of over 50% for the year ended 31 March 2021 as compared to the year ended 31 March 2020; a turnaround from gross profit of HKD 3.7 million for FY2020 to gross loss of more than HKD 3.0 million for FY2021; and its loss attributable to the owners of the Company for FY2021 will increase by at least 80% as compared to that of FY2020. Such deterioration was mainly attributable to the combined effects of the completion of six repair and maintenance works projects; the negative impact arising from the outbreak of novel coronavirus disease which affected the progress of several on-going construction projects and the number of available tenders in the industry; and the overall economic recession in Hong Kong.