The Baie Verte Peninsula is experiencing transformative changes, solidifying its evolving position in Newfoundland and Labrador's mining industry. Gold Hunter Resources Inc. is observing as well as shaping some of these pivotal shifts. On July 24th, 2023, Gold Hunter expanded its land position by 239% to a total of 17,227.97 hectares in the heart of the Baie Verte Peninsula area.

This move strengthened Gold Hunter's foothold in Newfoundland's premier mining district, setting the stage for advanced exploration and potential discoveries. The acquisition of the Point Rousse Project by Maritime Resources Corp. from Signal Gold Inc. (announced June 19th, 2023), including the Pine Cove mill and in-pit tailings facility, is a hallmark of the peninsula's evolving landscape.

The new partnership evident in today's Memorandum of Understanding between Maritime and New Found Gold Corp. ("New Found Gold"), promises synergistic opportunities centred around the Pine Cove Mill. The recent insolvency of Rambler Metals and Mining PLC ("Rambler"), with its Ming Mine situated near Gold Hunter's Rambler Project and effectively enveloped by it, has put Gold Hunter in a vigilant stance.

The company closely monitoring developments and their implications for the regions mining sector. Gold Hunter's commitment is more profound than mere land expansion; it has invested over 2,000 hours in a pioneering data compilation of the area, recognizing the region's latent potential. This effort places Gold Hunter as a frontrunner for new discoveries and expansions.