Gift Holdings announced the opening of a new Machida Shoten Landmark 81 in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, on the 26th of August 2023. Machida Shoten Landmark 81, will be the third overseas franchise store of group. It is in B1F of Vincom Center Landmark 81, known for being the highest building in South-east Asia.

The shopping mall itself has 6 floors with many shops, a movie theater, and an ice-skating rink, and there are a lot of locals and tourists visiting this mall every day. The store offers a wide variety on the menu, including not only signature Yokohama-style Iekei (E.A.K.) ramen but also Abura Soba, and Chuka Soba, to satisfy customers. All the side dishes, including gyoza and karaage, are homemade.