FluroTech LTD. and wholly owned subsidiary FluroTest Diagnostic Systems provided a progress update on its efforts to bring its Pandemic Response Platform to market. The Company believes that its technology will represent a disruptive breakthrough in the development of its high volume, high speed “point of entry/point of access” testing solution. Important breakthroughs include: Fewer steps in sample processing – The simplified sample processing protocol has eliminated 43% of the sample processing steps, thus reducing time and complexity. Testing protocol simplification – As a result of the simplification of the testing protocol, the Company has made great strides in refining the type of instrumentation required to read processed test samples, further reducing the time necessary for each reading as well as reducing the capital cost of field-based instrumentation hardware by as much as 50% as well as reducing the equipment footprint by 40%. Both of these improvements make the system accessible to many more “point of entry” environments, such as airports, schools, university campuses, hospital entrances, to name a few. Materials cost per test reduced – While initial estimates of the direct cost of each test to the Company would approximate USD 5.00 to USD 6.00, the Company’s optimized protocol development efforts are aimed at producing a direct cost per test of approximately $1.00, thus providing the Company with flexibility in pricing tests much lower to the consumer while still maintaining favorable gross profit margins. It is hoped that this costing will lend itself to mass testing at an affordable cost and in return should assist in helping to reduce super spreader events. Platform solution cost per test improved – The optimization of sample processing and equipment necessary to process tests will lower the capital cost per platform by as much as 50%, thus making the platform solution more affordable to more potential customers and enabling more frequent testing. The Company expects in 3 to 4 months it will complete test optimization, protocol development, and prepare to enter clinical trials. Readers are cautioned that, although FluroTest has achieved proof of concept prototype, the testing method and device is still in the pre-approval stage and accordingly FluroTest is not currently making any express or implied claims that the technology can, or will be able to, accurately detect the COVID-19 virus.