Microsoft Word - DRAFT FSE ASX Announcement Compshare Change of Address 23jun15

About Firestone Energy


23 June 2015

Change of Registry Office Address

Firestone Energy Limited advises that its securities registrar, Computershare

Investor Services, has moved office to:

Level 11

172 St Georges Tce

Perth WA 6000

E L Boyd

Company Secretary

Firestone Energy Limited is an independent, Australian exploration and development company listed on the Australian Stock Exchange Ltd (ASX) and the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE). Firestone Energy has entered into a Joint Venture with Sekoko Resources (Pty) Ltd through which Firestone Energy has acquired the right to 60% participation interests in the Waterberg Coal Project located in Lephalale area, Limpopo Province, South Africa.
The first stage of the project is to develop the Smitspan mine which has a substantial measured thermal coal resource and to develop the Vetleegte mine which is a substantial metallurgical coal deposit.
Firestone Energy is committed to becoming a profitable independent coal and energy producer at its projects in South Africa, thereby making a substantial contribution to the social and economic development of the Lephalale area and South Africa.

Corporate Details
Issued Capital
3,549 million ordinary shares
Major Shareholders
The Waterberg Coal Company Ltd
Directors and Officers
Non Executive Directors
Lee Boyd
Officers Mr Stephen Miller CEO and Executive Director
Ms Amanda Matthee CFO Mr Lee Boyd Company Secretary
Contact Firestone Energy Limited ABN 71 058 436 794
Level 2, 1 Walker Avenue West Perth, Western Australia 6005
Australia Tel: +61 (08) 9485 0888
Fax:+61(08) 9485 0077

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