Everlight Chemical Industrial Corporation announced members of the Company's 5th Remuneration Committee. Date of occurrence of the change:2021/07/29. Name of the functional committees: Remuneration Committee. Name and resume of the previous position holder: 1. Wang, Hsiu-Chun Independent Director/Executive Partner of GRC SINOGREEN 2. Wu,Chung-Fern Independent Director/Professor, Dept. of Accounting,National Taiwan University. Hung, Ying-Cheng Independent Director/Associate Professor, Dept. of Business Administration,Tamkang University. Name and resume of the new position holder: Chang, Yuan-Jan Independent Director/Senior Vice President, Industrial Technology Investment Corp. Wu,Chung-Fern Independent Director/Professor, Dept. of Accounting,National Taiwan University. Yang, Way-Wen Independent Director/Associate Professor, Department of Law, Kainan University. Circumstances of change: new appointment. Reason for the change:Newly-appointed by new term of Board of Directors on 2021/07/29. 8.Effective date of the new member:2021/07/29. Any other matters that need to be specified:The 5th term of Remuneration Committee is from 2021/07/29 to 2024/07/28,Independent Director Chang, Yuan -Jan have been elected as the convener and meeting chair by the entire membership of the Committee.