European Assets Trust NV announced total dividends declared for 2018 will be €0.0684 per share compared to €0.088 a year ago. The 2018 dividends will be paid in four equal instalments in January, March, July and October. The 2019 dividends will be paid in four installments on 31 January, 15 March, 31 July and 31 October 2019. Subject to the completion of the proposed migration the dividends in July and October will be paid by European Assets Trust PLC. Dividends are declared in Euros and paid in Sterling (registered shares) or in Euros (bearer shares). The Euro to Sterling exchange rate that will be applied will be selected for a date as close as practicably possible to each of the four payment dates. For illustrative purposes only, applying the exchange rate as at 31 December 2018 would result in the payment of total 2019 dividends, net of withholding tax, of £0.062 per share (2018: actual payment of £0.077 per share, net of withholding tax). The gross January dividend payment of €0.019665 (net: €0.0171) will be paid to shareholders on the register on 18 January 2019, having an ex-dividend date of 17 January 2019.