KIEL (dpa-AFX) - The energy ministers of the federal states want to discuss the financing of the heating and energy transition at their conference with the federal government in Kiel. Particularly in the area of the heating transition, there is a need for certainty for subsequent years beyond the current framework provided by the federal government as to how the financing of the conversion of the heating supply is planned, said Schleswig-Holstein's State Secretary for Energy Joschka Knuth (Greens) ahead of the conference, which begins on Wednesday.

The federal government is spending 500 million euros on the initial preparation of the heating plans of the federal states. At the same time, however, all municipalities are obliged to update, further develop and implement these heat supply plans - this will result in further costs that should not be left to the municipalities or federal states. In addition, financing and regulation must be accompanied in such a way that they remain affordable for consumers.

In addition to the challenges for federal states and municipalities in implementing the transition to a climate-neutral heat supply, the issue of price transparency and pricing is key for consumers, said Knuth. This is the only way to create acceptance for a switch from fossil fuels to renewable energies for heating. This is why the Schleswig-Holstein state government wants to advocate a reform of the District Heating Ordinance.

In this ordinance, the price is calculated on the basis of comparable fuels, among other things, which would lead to increasing costs for consumers due to the comparison with fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas and the rising price of carbon dioxide. According to Knuth, however, this calculation makes little sense in a heating network that is only fed by renewable energies.

The State Secretaries of the ministries will first meet at the Energy Ministers' Conference on Wednesday. The actual meeting of all federal and state energy ministers will then begin on Thursday. The aim of the conference is to coordinate the energy policies of all federal states with each other and with the federal government, according to the Schleswig-Holstein Energy Ministry. A second meeting is planned for November in Brunsbüttel /xil/DP/zb