HAMBURG (dpa-AFX) - The Chairwoman of the Executive Board of Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG, Angela Titzrath, will remain at the helm of the port logistics company during the planned entry of the world's largest shipping company MSC. The Supervisory Board has extended her contract by five years, the company announced on Tuesday. Titzrath has been a member of HHLA's Executive Board since October 2016 and has been Chairwoman of the Executive Board since the beginning of 2017. "Logistics is facing considerable challenges worldwide, which will also place demands on HHLA," said Supervisory Board Chairman Rüdiger Grube. He is pleased that Titzrath is prepared to continue leading HHLA in the coming years.

The city and the Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) want to run the listed HHLA as a joint venture in future, with MSC holding a maximum of 49.9 percent and the city 50.1 percent. Criticism has come primarily from port workers, works councils, the trade union Verdi and the opposition in the Hamburg parliament. HHLA employees even went on a wildcat strike in protest. Despite promises to the contrary, they fear for their jobs and co-determination.

New to HHLA's top management is Annette Walter, a business graduate, who, according to the company, is taking over the position of Chief Financial Officer. She is moving from the Essen-based energy supplier Steag to the Elbe. She reportedly began her professional career at Deutsche Bank and HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt. She then moved to the Eon Group. Walter succeeds Tanja Dreilich, who left HHLA at the end of June last year after just six months in office./klm/DP/jha