Enel Sole and Endesa, acting jointly as Energy Services Company (ESCO), have been awarded a public lighting management concession in the municipality of Abarán, Murcia. Under the terms of the agreement, the two companies will undertake the required investments to upgrade public lighting and will be in charge of operating as well as maintaining the service. Enel Sole and Endesa represent a benchmark in providing energy services,  efficient public lighting in particular. Together, they make Spain's leading Energy Service Company (ESCO) by number of lighting contracts awarded.

In Abarán, Enel Sole and Endesa will upgrade 1,919 area lights, 87% of the municipality's total. The upgrade will help reduce annual CO2 emissions by nearly 200 tonnes, equivalent to planting over 15,000 trees.

As part of the project, local workforce is set to be hired to maintain the system, thereby helping regional development and creating jobs in the area.

This tenderis particularly significant as Abarán does not fall within Endesa's distribution network.

As with the other towns which are managed by this ESCO, the Abarán project will be monitored from the Smart Grid Service Center, Endesa's service centre for smart cities located in Seville. This control centre manages and monitors all the efficient lighting projects as well as Enel and Endesa's electric vehicle recharging infrastructure in Spain. Tests are also being carried out on smart micro-grids, with new services for the towns of the future being assessed and tested.

The technology promoted by Enel Sole and Endesa is based on the use of efficient lights with smart controls being installed at every lighting point. These features help increase light quality as well as entailing significant energy savings.  The average useful life of the light points has also been increased to over 60,000 hours and the entire system is more flexible as every lighting point is programmed independently.

For city councils these projects mean increased efficiency, reduced CO2 emissions as well as greater availability of lighting infrastructures as faults can be detected in real time. At the same time, local population is set to benefit in terms of increased comfort and higher environmental standards.

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