Endesa, S.A. has won a contract to supply electricity to Madrid City Council for the next two years with an option for a third. The company secured the contract put out to tender for the supply of energy to the municipal buildings and equipment of Madrid City Council and its autonomous bodies. From January 12, 2015, Endesa will provide energy to 1,542 medium- and low-voltage supply points with an annual consumption volume of 171 GW, making this the large electricity contract for a town hall in Spain excluding exterior lighting.

The contract, worth EUR 56 million and for which three bids were submitted, lasts for two years with an option of a third at the agreement of the parties, with prices revised in line with the OMIP. In total, Endesa will supply electricity to 187 medium-voltage and 1,355 low-voltage supply points in municipal buildings and the offices of three autonomous bodies: the Tax Agency, the Employment Agency and the Madrid Public Health Authority. The contract also includes a Preferential Management Service designed by Endesa for multipoint customers which offers personalized service and periodic reports on billing, contracting and activity.