E-House (China) Enterprise Holdings Limited Announces delayed in publication of audited results for the year ended 31 December 2021 on or before 29 April 2022, and it would issue further announcement(s) if there are other material developments in the completion of the auditing process. Since the date of the Announcements, the Company has been, and is continuously, working with the auditors to complete the audit process as soon as possible. However, due to the practical difficulties resulting from the severe COVID-19-related tightened restriction and control measures imposed in Shanghai, which are unforeseen and completely beyond the Company 's control, the Company would like to update its Shareholders and potential investors that it does not expect that the audit of the annual results for the 2021 Financial Year will be completed on or before 29 April 2022.

no further unforeseen circumstances arise, each by the end of May 2022, it is currently expected that the publication of the audited results and the annual report for the 2021 Financial Year will be on or around 15 July 2022.