The Board of Dongguan Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. announced that, pursuant to the Resolution number 3, Mr. LU Guofeng was approved to be appointed as an executive Director of the fourth session of the Board
of the Bank, by the Shareholders at the 2022 AGM. As at the date of this announcement, the Board has further resolved to appoint Mr. LU Guofeng as the chairman of the fourth session of the Board and the chairman of the Strategic Decision and Sannong Committee of the Bank. For the biographical details of Mr. LU Guofeng. As of the date of this announcement, the biographical details contained in the Circular remain accurate and up-to-date. Save as disclosed in the Circular, there is no other information required to be disclosed pursuant to Rule 13.51(2) of the Listing Rules. The appointments of Mr. LU Guofeng as an executive Director, the chairman of the Board and the chairman of the Strategic Decision and Sannong Committee are subject to the approvals from the regulatory authorities. Further announcement(s) will be made in due course by the Bank upon the appointment taking effect. In addition, the Board further announces that, with effect from 25 May 2023, Mr. ZENG Jianhua, an independent non-executive Director, has been appointed as a member of the Comprehensive Risk Management Committee of the Bank, and Mr. WANG Junyang a non-executive Director, has ceased to be a member of the Comprehensive Risk Management Committee and the Strategic Decision and Sannong Committee of the Bank.