Samarth Prabhudas Ramanuj and Raja Lachhmandas Utwani signed an agreement to acquire 32.7% stake in Diggi Multitrade Limited (BSE:540811) from Pradeep J Naidu, Sangeeta Naidu and Siddhant Pradeep for INR 31.7 million March 24, 2023. In similar transaction Samarth Prabhudas Ramanuj and Raja Lachhmandas Utwani made an offer to acquire 26.039783% stake in Diggi Multitrade Limited (BSE:540811) for INR 47.8 million. Expert Global Consultants Private Limited acted as manager to the offer on behalf of Samarth Prabhudas Ramanuj and Raja Lachhmandas Utwani.

Samarth Prabhudas Ramanuj and Raja Lachhmandas Utwani completed the acquisition of 32.7% stake in Diggi Multitrade Limited (BSE:540811) from Pradeep J Naidu, Sangeeta Naidu and Siddhant Pradeep on July 18, 2023.